WXSO is the result of Gaia’s ongoing R&D into wellbore and cable dynamics (drag, torque, cable movement and creep) and future conveyance technologies.
It can be considered a “black-box” for a logging run.
The WXSO features a memory gauge with pressure, temperature, accelerometer and magnetometer measurements, with a fast sample rate.
WXSO Report
A comprehensive written report on all the WXSO data acquired on the logging operation. Includes time and depth logs, station logs, temperature, mud weight, depth control analysis for formation testers and rotary coring, and cable rotation analysis, plus review of any sticking points encountered on the job.
Depth-based logs
Depth logs include temperature, pressure, average mud weight, cable rotation, CCL and road noise. Road noise can be used as an indicator for possible wear zones in casing.
Continuous Extrapolated Temperature Log (CETL)
With data from multiple runs, a Continuous Extrapolated Temperature Log can be computed from surface to the deepest WXSO measurement.
Movement analysis for Formation Testers and Rotary Coring
On deep or complex wells, winch movement does not necessarily translate to tool movement, which can cause depth discrepancies with stationary surveys. WXSO offers a post-job analysis of tool movement and cable creep, and can offer an explanation for unexpected tight tests.
Event Visualisation
Events can be played back as an animation to show cable spin, jar firing, cable creep, to review stuck tool situations and more.